Feb 14, 2024

AI-powered HR helpdesk's impact on the employee lifecycle

From attraction to separation: HR helpdesk's impact on the employee lifecycle

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As modern workplaces continue to evolve at the AI pace, the HR team’s role in ensuring seamless communication, support, and guidance for employees across all stages of their journey becomes even more important. The employee life cycle refers to the different stages that an employee goes through while working at a company. These stages include:

  1. Attraction
  2. Recruitment & Selection
  3. Onboarding
  4. Retention & Development
  5. Separation

In this blog post, we delve into the impactful role of AI-powered HR helpdesks in managing the entire spectrum of the employee lifecycle. From the initial onboarding process that sets the tone for their journey to the crucial offboarding phase that ensures a smooth transition, HR helpdesks serve as the backbone of support and guidance. Join us as we uncover their profound influence on the employee experience, and how they contribute to organizational success every step of the way.

1. Attraction - Crafting memorable first impressions

The Attraction stage marks the initial phase of the employee lifecycle, where companies aim to captivate and entice potential candidates. It involves strategic efforts to showcase the company's unique culture, values, and opportunities to attract top talent. Through various recruitment marketing channels, such as job postings, employer branding initiatives and networking events, companies strive to create a compelling first impression that resonates with candidates and encourages them to explore further. This stage sets the foundation for the candidate's perception of the company and significantly influences their decision to engage with the organization further.

AI-powered HR platforms play a crucial role in this stage by providing personalized and efficient support to potential candidates. Candidates can engage in real-time conversations with Virtual Agents to learn more about job opportunities, company culture, and application processes. Virtual Agents can also assist with initial screening questions, guiding candidates through the application process, and providing immediate answers to frequently asked questions. For instance, a candidate interested in a job opening can interact with an AI chatbot to learn about the company's mission, vision, and values, or even receive personalized recommendations for relevant job openings based on their skills and preferences.

Additionally, AI helpdesks can analyze candidate interactions to identify patterns and preferences, enabling recruiters to tailor their outreach and engagement strategies effectively. They can also help with candidate sourcing by scouring various online platforms and databases to identify potential candidates who match the desired qualifications and job requirements. This expands the candidate pool beyond traditional methods and helps recruiters discover passive candidates who may not be actively seeking employment.

2. Recruitment and selection - Finding the perfect match

This stage involves reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and ultimately selecting the most suitable candidate for the role. This stage is crucial as it determines the quality of talent entering the company and directly impacts its future success. Effective recruitment and selection practices not only ensure that the right skills and qualifications are matched to the job but also contribute to a diverse and inclusive workforce. It sets the stage for the candidate's integration into the company and lays the groundwork for their future development and growth within the organization.

Integrating AI into the Recruitment and Selection stage offers numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, improved candidate experience, enhanced decision-making, and reduced bias. By leveraging AI technologies, companies can optimize their recruitment process and identify the best-fit candidates to drive success and innovation.

  • Resume screening: AI-powered tools can analyze resumes to identify key qualifications and skills relevant to the job opening. This streamlines the initial screening process by automatically filtering out candidates who do not meet the criteria, saving recruiters time and effort.
  • Predictive analytics for candidate fit: AI analytics tools can analyze historical data on successful hires within the organization to identify patterns and characteristics associated with high-performing employees. This information can be used to develop predictive models that assess candidate fit and likelihood of success in the role.
  • Assessment and simulation: AI-based assessment tools can administer psychometric tests, simulations, and situational judgment tests to evaluate candidates' cognitive abilities, personality traits, and job-related skills. These assessments provide objective insights into candidate suitability and potential job performance.

3. Onboarding - The foundation of employee experience

The Onboarding stage marks the pivotal beginning of an employee's journey within a company, encompassing the process of integrating new hires into the company culture, systems, and workflows. It involves providing essential information, resources, and training to facilitate a smooth transition and set the foundation for success in their new role. Effective onboarding goes beyond administrative tasks to foster a sense of belonging and engagement, helping new employees understand their role, responsibilities, and expectations within the company. By creating a supportive and welcoming environment, companies can accelerate the assimilation of new hires, minimize time-to-productivity, and maximize their contribution from the outset.

AI-powered HR helpdesks can significantly improve the new hire’s onboarding experience by providing personalized support, guidance, and resources to new hires.

  • Interactive onboarding chatbots: Through AI chatbots, new employees can access essential information and assistance 24/7, even before their first day. Leveraging VR technology, AI helpdesk platforms can also provide immersive virtual tours of the company's offices, facilities, and workspaces. New hires can explore different departments, learn about company culture, and interact with virtual mentors or guides to familiarize themselves with their surroundings before their first day. Virtual Agents can answer common questions about company policies, benefits, and procedures, as well as provide guidance on navigating internal systems and platforms.
  • Personalized onboarding paths, based on new hires' backgrounds, skills, and preferences. This could include suggested training modules, introductions to relevant team members, and recommended resources to accelerate their integration into the company. They can also send personalized welcome messages and daily notifications and emails with remaining tasks, so they finish every step on time.
  • AI-powered buddy matching: AI algorithms can match new hires with experienced employees or mentors based on compatibility factors such as personality traits, work styles, and career interests. This ensures that new employees have a supportive mentorship relationship from the start, facilitating their transition and providing valuable guidance and support.

At the same time, AI helpdesks can reduce the burden of manual and time-consuming tasks for the IT and HR teams. For example, Workflow Automation enables the creation of automated onboarding processes with no need to have any coding skills. Every time new people join the company, account creation, license provisioning, folders access and more run automatically depending on their role and permissions.

By automating routine tasks and providing instant support, AI helpdesks streamline the onboarding process, reduce administrative burden on HR teams, and ensure new employees feel supported and empowered from day one.

4. Retention and development - Empowerment through ongoing support

In this stage, HR teams focus on maintaining and nurturing their existing talent pool. It involves strategies and initiatives aimed at fostering employee satisfaction , engagement, and loyalty to reduce turnover rates and retain top talent. It encompasses various activities, such as ongoing training and development opportunities, career advancement pathways, development plans, recognition programs, and a positive work environment.

According to the 2023 Employee Experience Trends report by Qualtrics , 37% of employees (a 5% increase from 2022) feel that they lack the necessary tools and processes to consistently meet the heightened productivity expectations set by organizations. This deficiency is starting to have a significant negative impact – and that’s where AI helpdesks come into play.

  • Effortless issue resolution and easy access to resources: AI helpdesks serve as knowledge hubs offering instant responses to employee queries regarding things that matter to them: how-to info, IT troubleshooting, HR policies, benefits, and procedures. At the same time, chatbots integrated in the company’s chat platform can also offer automated resolution to common employee issues, such as password resets, and instant approvals for access requests, time-off and much more. By having their issues instantly resolved and their questions answered promptly, employees can get back to work immediately and be more productive. They also feel less stressed and frustrated, increasing their satisfaction and desire to remain in the company. At the same time, AI helpdesks free up HR staff from such repetitive tasks and enable them to focus on making an impact on employees’ work life.
  • Addressing potential problems proactively: AI helpdesks can analyze employee sentiment and engagement data to proactively identify areas for improvement in company culture and employee satisfaction, enabling HR teams to implement targeted interventions and foster a positive work environment.

By investing in employee retention efforts with the power of AI, companies can strengthen their teams, enhance productivity, and sustain a competitive edge in the marketplace, minimizing the Voluntary Turnover Rate . Additionally, having a solid strategy for employee development and growth can contribute to long-term commitment and organizational success. AI can greatly help both the workforce and HR teams in the development stage:

  • Personalized learning plans: AI helpdesks can offer personalized recommendations for employee development opportunities based on individual skillsets, career aspirations, and performance evaluations, thereby promoting continuous learning within the company and making employees happier.
  • Intelligent feedback and assessment: AI-powered assessment tools can provide real-time feedback on employee performance, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This feedback can be used to personalize learning experiences, target skill development efforts, and track progress over time, leading to improved Skill Gaps metrics.

5. Exit and offboarding - Transitioning with grace

This stage marks the culmination of an employee's journey within a company. It involves the process of transitioning departing employees out of the company and ensuring a smooth and positive departure experience. It includes conducting exit interviews to gather feedback, offboarding administrative procedures such as collecting company assets and updating records, and facilitating knowledge transfer to ensure a seamless transition for remaining team members. Effective offboarding is essential for maintaining positive relationships with departing employees, preserving institutional knowledge, and protecting the company's reputation. By handling exits with care and professionalism, companies can leave departing employees with a positive impression and maintain goodwill, even after they've moved on to new opportunities.

  • Automated offboarding: AI-powered helpdesks can automate the offboarding workflow, ensuring that the process happens smoothly and quickly, avoiding unnecessary company exposure. For instance, with Gaspar AI’s no-code automation, IT teams can create offboarding flows covering the required exit steps and tasks. They can then run these workflows automatically whenever someone leaves the company. This greatly reduces the time it takes to deprovision employees and helps keep your company data secure.
  • Offboarding checklists: AI-powered task management systems can generate personalized offboarding checklists for HR professionals and departing employees. These checklists can include steps for returning equipment, updating access privileges, completing paperwork, and scheduling exit interviews, ensuring that no essential steps are overlooked during the offboarding process.
  • Knowledge transfer: AI helpdesks can capture, organize, and distribute departing employees' knowledge and expertise. Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms can extract relevant information from documents, emails, and chat logs to create comprehensive knowledge repositories that remain accessible to the team, and increasing the Knowledge Base coverage metric.
  • Feedback analysis: AI platforms can analyze feedback from exit interviews, surveys, and other sources to identify recurring themes, areas of concern, and opportunities for improvement. This data-driven approach enables companies to make informed decisions and implement targeted interventions to enhance the employee experience.
  • Compliance monitoring: AI systems can monitor compliance with offboarding procedures, data privacy regulations, and employment laws to ensure that departing employees' rights are protected, and legal obligations are met. AI algorithms can flag potential compliance issues, provide guidance on regulatory requirements, and streamline documentation processes to mitigate risks associated with offboarding.

Reflecting on the holistic impact of AI HR Helpdesks on the employee journey

By harnessing the power of AI, companies can foster a culture of continuous improvement, drive employee engagement, and ultimately, achieve greater success. HR helpdesks are becoming a necessity rather than a luxury, and they can be a key differentiator empowering talented employees to choose your company vs your competitor’s and making employees’ life within your company easier.

Don’t let HR processes stress you out – sign up for Gaspar AI’s HR helpdesk today or schedule a meeting to see the platform and discuss your needs.