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Let's talk about AI in employee support

## Gaspar AI customers achieve 80% less manual work while reducing help desk ticket costs to $1. Talk with a Sales expert and discover how!
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With Gaspar AI your business will:

Reduce manual work by 80%
Auto-resolve employee issues on Slack, MS Teams & Jira Service Management instantly and get rid of repetitive, manual tasks.
Lower ticket cost to just $1
Save money - lower your ticket costs by 40%
Deflect 40% of tickets
By solving employee issues instantly on the chat platforms, you deflect tickets, therefore dramatically decreasing your ticket volume
Decrease resolution time to seconds
By instantly resolving employee issues with our AI chatbot, you reduce your average resolution time from hours to seconds
Boost employee satisfaction and trust in IT
By delivering instant delight to employees with auto-resolution and human-like answers, they will be happier with your services and more productive.

Calculate your ROI

Estimate your time and money savings when using Gaspar AI. Get ready for a dramatic increase in your productivity and profitability!
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Try Gaspar AI free for 21 days!
Get started today for free and enjoy higher productivity and lower employee help desk ticket costs!
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