Jan 16, 2024

Gaspar AI helpdesk year in review

2023 in retrospect: Gaspar AI’s year in review

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Wow... what a year 2023 was! As we stand at the beginning of 2024 ready to tackle new challenges, it's a perfect moment for a retrospective, a reflection on what we achieved last year. To move forward and become better at what we do, we need to acknowledge and appreciate all that we have pulled off. From rebranding to integrating the latest tech into our AI helpdesk platform to accelerating customer growth, we have so much to be proud of at Gaspar AI. Today, I will highlight key achievements, product launches and milestones that made the last 12 months unforgettable.

2023 was quite the year for Gaspar AI:

  • We rebranded to better reflect our core business and cutting-edge AI power.
  • We unveiled our new ChatGPT-powered platform and shipped numerous product updates, enhancements and integrations.
  • We launched the first Confluence chatbot available on the Jira Service Management support portal
  • We partnered with Adaptavist, a leading technology and innovative solutions provider, and a Platinum Atlassian Solutions Partner.
  • We launched our HR helpdesk.

The groundwork laid in 2023 has paved the way for larger endeavors as we continue our mission to offer effortless employee support experiences and allow helpdesk teams to focus on the things that matter. So, let’s embark on an exciting journey through the notable chapters of Gaspar AI's evolution in the year gone by. Whether you're a customer, partner, or just an AI enthusiast, I think you'll enjoy the ride.

A glimpse into Gaspar AI’s 2023

2023 is the year that AI became mainstream, following the viral launch of ChatGPT. Generative AI, LLMs, AI regulation became part of our everyday lives and talks. Our work and personal lives will never be the same anymore. Amidst the fervor, Gaspar AI maintained a steadfast focus on delivering tangible business impact. With our commitment toward facilitating instant, easy, user-friendly employee support experiences, we are positioned to steer our clients confidently into a new era of AI-powered business in 2024 and beyond.

Outlined below are several key announcements that underscored our noteworthy trajectory throughout 2023:

A major rebrand

A lot changed in 2023 in the software industry thanks to the amazing AI advancements. We have been working with AI since the very first start of our company – in fact, AI has been the heart of what we do, what inspired us to found our company and build our product, way before AI prevailed. So, we felt it was time we let the world know and decided to refresh our name and look , to better reflect what we really care about as a business: helping your helpdesk team shine thanks to cutting-edge AI.

This name change was part of our strategy targeted to emphasize the strength of our capabilities and our vision, and to help us create a strong presence as an AI-powered service desk platform globally.

Pinnacle moments: the new launches and features of our AI helpdesk

In 2023, we substantially bolstered the capabilities of our platform through the introduction of a series of product launches, enhancements, new features and integrations:

  • A ChatGPT-integrated chatbot for Generative AI-powered support: In May, we revealed our ChatGPT-integrated chatbot, becoming one of the very first helpdesk platforms offering this integration. Gaspar AI answers employee questions directly on Slack, Teams and Jira SM in natural language, generating information from your internal repositories and knowledge base. End users love this, as it dramatically improves their support experience, and IT/helpdesk teams no longer have to solve the same issues repeatedly.
  • HR helpdesk for employee support automation: In June, we launched our HR helpdesk chatbot and integrated with HiBob to further improve company-wide efficiencies. New hire onboarding, time-off requests and approvals, and employee offboarding are now happening in seconds. No more silos between IT and HR or duplicate manual work, just streamlined communication!
  • No more quirky chatbot responses: In September we introduced our upgraded chatbot with advanced dialog management skills for human-like, accurate conversations.
  • Your personal HR assistant: Another September intro, our Personalized HR Info feature, enables quick and easy access to information tailored specifically to every employee.
  • Xence, your Confluence chatbot guru: In October we launched Xence, the first and exclusive Jira SM support chatbot. It instantly solves 50% of employee queries directly on the Jira SM support portal, using Confluence-based knowledge and ChatGPT-powered AI. Human-like, accurate solutions, with no humans involved!
  • Multiple new, out-of-the-box integrations for more automation: Coda, Helpjuice, Duo, Cisco Meraki, looop, Tableau, Jumpcloud are just a few of the applications that we integrated with, to build value directly to any company’s existing investments while creating a more seamless experience for employees.

Spotlight partnerships, recognition and events

One of, if not the most, exciting achievements for Gaspar AI in 2023 was the partnership with Adaptavist, announced in October . Adaptavist is a leading technology and innovative solutions provider, and a Platinum Atlassian Solutions Partner. Together, we will transform employee helpdesk support and lead the AI transformation for companies. We were beyond excited to be picked as their unique chatbot solution for Atlassian customers. We are thrilled to be working together towards an AI-powered business transformation!

In October we also successfully launched Xence on Product Hunt , and won the 6th place among all apps launched on that day. It was a wild ride, but we were beyond happy to make it in the Top 10!

We expanded our global cloud footprint by launching new data centers in the EU and UK on top of North America, increasing our availability to support international customers and allowing us to meet regional compliance needs.

As we close our 2023 recap, we should not forget our successful participation in the most important industry events, such as SITS and Pink Elephant . They enabled us to showcase our platform and gain new customers who leverage our Generative AI to transform support operations and employee experience.

Anticipating 2024 for more Gaspar AI helpdesk innovation

As we stride into 2024, Gaspar AI emerges as a beacon of innovation and achievement. The strategic rebranding accentuated our deep-rooted connection with AI, setting the stage for global recognition. Strategic partnerships, notably with Adaptavist, define our commitment to excellence. Recognition on Product Hunt and successful participation in industry events like SITS and Pink Elephant showcase our growing influence. Game-changing launches, such as our ChatGPT-integrated chatbot and the revolutionary HR helpdesk, along with Xence, our Confluence chatbot guru, took the spotlight.

As we express gratitude to our customers, partners, and AI enthusiasts, the anticipation for 2024 is palpable. With your unwavering support, Gaspar AI is poised to continue shaping the future of AI-powered business. Get ready for another year of groundbreaking advancements and unparalleled success! On behalf of all of us at Gaspar AI, all the best in 2024!