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Instantly answer 50% of employee questions on Jira SM with AI

Get precise solutions straight from Confluence on your Jira SM support portal with Xence, our **ChatGPT-powered chatbot** - no humans needed! \ Try it now free for 21 days. - No need to create an account - Install the chatbot - Integrate with your JSM project
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Discover the Xence AI experience
1. Employees enter the Jira SM support portal. 2. Fire their questions at our AI chatbot. 3. Watch as it instantly serves up Confluence knowledge, with a dash of human-like flair. Say goodbye to endless Confluence article hunts and repetitive Q&A marathons! \ It's time for a smarter, more hands-off approach so that your team's precious time is saved for the tasks that truly matter.
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Throw your burning work-related questions at our exclusive Xence AI chatbot.
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Be dazzled by answers of unparalleled quality, reflecting human-level expertise.
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Experience a chat that's as real as chatting with your favorite human agent.
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Enhance solution accuracy by providing additional details if needed.
Why Xence by Gaspar AI?
50% of questions auto-resolved on JSM portal, zero app hopping!
80% less manual work, no repetitive Q&As
Round-the-clock support, unlimited queries
Efficiency that saves time and money
Get set in a snap - just install the app from Atlassian's Marketplace!
Lightning-fast installation
To help you get started quickly and make the most of Xence, we've prepared a comprehensive video that walks you through the app's installation instructions.
Unlimited usage at no extra cost
Here is a small sample of our pricing. No hidden fees, usage limits or premium features, only full on capabilities and the best solutions for your company!

Up to 10 Users from $23.25 / month
1-100 Users from $223.00 / month
101-250 Users from $530.00 / month
251-1000 Users from $1367.50 / month
1001-2500 Users from $4017.50 / month
2501-5000 Users from $7517.50 / month
5001-7500 Users from $10817.50 / month
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## Plans available for any team size. Try free for 21 days!
See detailed pricing
Learn more about Gaspar AI  
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Reduce ticket volume with Gaspar AI and Atlassian integration
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Automatically resolve IT & HR requests in seconds with AI
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Save time and money with 100+ automations