Apr 20, 2023

Artificial Intelligence revolutionizes IT support with 24/7 support, predictive maintenance capabilities and intelligent automation

5 Ways AI revolutionizes IT support in the workplace

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IT support, also known as technical support or helpdesk support, refers to the services provided by IT professionals to diagnose, troubleshoot, and resolve technical issues related to computer hardware, software, networks, and other IT systems used in the workplace.

The importance of IT support cannot be overstated. Here is just a glimpse of why IT support is crucial:

  1. Technical issue resolution: resolving technical issues that employees encounter while using IT systems, such as computer crashes, software errors, network connectivity problems, and printer malfunctions. This ensures smooth and uninterrupted workflow, preventing productivity loss.
  2. System maintenance and updates: maintaining and updating IT systems, including regular backups, software patches, and security updates. This helps in keeping the systems secure, reliable, and updated, reducing the risk of data breaches and system failures.
  3. Cybersecurity and data protection: ensuring the security and protection of sensitive data and information stored in IT systems. This includes implementing security measures, such as firewalls, antivirus software, and access controls, as well as monitoring for potential security breaches and taking appropriate actions to mitigate risks.
  4. Business continuity: quickly resolving IT issues and minimizing downtime to ensure business is uninterrupted. This helps in maintaining smooth operations and preventing financial losses resulting from IT disruptions.
  5. Technology planning and strategy: IT support assists in planning and implementing IT strategies, such as upgrading hardware and software, adopting new technologies, and aligning IT with business goals. This can help improve the company’s overall performance and competitiveness.

IT support teams therefore have multiple tasks to perform, ranging from tactical to strategic, all of which play an important role in the continuation of business and employee satisfaction. In the hybrid work world of nowadays, IT support’s role is indispensable even in ensuring day-to-day productivity. However, IT support’s importance is often underestimated, and IT teams are frequently understaffed. As requests and projects get multiplied by the minute, it is extremely important to find ways to enhance IT support.

Here comes Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and problem-solving. It is important to distinguish AI from automation, although they have the same purpose: to help humans by taking over routine, repetitive tasks. But while automation involves programming machines to carry out tasks, AI is all about machines learning automatically by recognizing patterns in data.

AI has the potential to revolutionize IT support in the workplace by introducing innovative approaches that can streamline and enhance traditional IT support processes. AI can have a tremendous impact in all of the 5 key areas of IT support described above. By leveraging its power, companies can transform their IT support: they can be proactive when it comes to system failures, deliver quicker issue resolution, increase security and free up time to focus on strategic technology projects, increasing productivity and ultimately driving business success.

The AI-powered IT revolution

AI is already deeply embedded into everyday life and work. According to McKinsey's State of AI report, 56% of respondents use AI in at least one function . This rises to 57% in emerging economies, including China, the Middle East and North Africa, up from 45% in the previous year. And its use is more prominent in service and operations related functions.

It would be impossible to state all the different ways in which AI can transform IT support. So we will focus on certain areas that are already undergoing a major AI transformation.

1. Automated issue resolution

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can handle routine IT support tasks, such as password resets, software installations, network access, and most of the common questions employees ask. These systems use natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to user queries, providing quick and accurate solutions, and reducing the need for human intervention in simple support requests. At the same time this empowers employees to resolve IT issues independently, leading to greater autonomy.

Moreover, since AI algorithms can quickly analyze high volumes of data and learn from previous problems, they can diagnose complex IT problems quickly and accurately and offer insights and data to IT teams. This can reduce the time it takes for IT support staff to identify and fix issues, allowing them to focus on more important tasks. The insights can also help them in troubleshooting and resolving IT issues more efficiently and provide better solutions in the future. For example, when an IT agent has to resolve an employee’s account issues, AI can suggest the most efficient way to do so based on past incidents.

This can dramatically increase productivity by reducing employee idle time and by saving the IT teams’ time spent on manual, repetitive tasks. IT support staff can spend less time troubleshooting and more time providing value to the organization.

2. Predictive maintenance and proactive support

One of AI’s main “powers” over humans is its ability to analyze vast amounts of data fast. It can then identify patterns and trends and based on these predict issues. AI can leverage data from sensors, logs, and other sources to predict potential IT failures and proactively address them.

For example, AI can detect early warning signs of hardware failures, network outages, or security breaches, allowing IT support teams to address these maintenance issues before they occur and minimize downtime.

AI can also offer proactive support and reduce disruptions in the workplace. When an employee for example is consistently typing their password wrong, AI can offer to either reset it or ask whether they need assistance in the form of some reminder question.

3. Intelligent automation

AI can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks in IT support processes, such as ticket routing, categorization, and prioritization. AI chatbots can handle initial IT support inquiries and automatically generate tickets for further action.

Since they use natural language processing, they understand and triage tickets based on urgency and severity. They can also route each ticket to the right agent, depending on the ticket’s category, importance, agent’s workload, etc. This leads to improved response times, reduced human error, and enhanced employee satisfaction.

4. Efficient knowledge management

AI can help organizations manage their knowledge bases more effectively, ensuring that support agents have access to the most up-to-date and accurate information. AI-powered knowledge management systems can organize and index large amounts of data, making it easier for IT support teams to find the information they need. These systems can also provide relevant knowledge articles and solutions to common problems, reducing the time and effort required to resolve support requests. What’s more, AI algorithms can be used to identify knowledge gaps and recommend content to fill them, leading to optimized knowledge bases.

Additionally, AI can analyze support data to identify patterns and trends, providing IT teams with valuable insights into employee needs and preferences. This information can be used to improve services, offer personalized IT support (e.g. through the employee’s preferred communication channel) and optimize support processes.

5. Self-healing systems

Self-healing systems refer to automated systems that are designed to detect and repair faults or errors without human intervention. These systems are capable of monitoring their own health and performance, identifying issues, and taking corrective actions to restore their normal operation. Self-healing systems can be applied to various domains, including computer systems, networks, software applications, and even physical infrastructure like power grids.

AI can enable IT systems to self-diagnose and self-correct issues automatically. Corrective actions can range from simple tasks like restarting a failed process or service, to more complex tasks like reconfiguring network routes or replacing faulty hardware. For example, AI can automatically identify and resolve software conflicts, optimize system performance, and apply patches and updates without human intervention. Self-healing systems are designed to improve system reliability, availability, and resilience, by reducing downtime and minimizing the need for IT support involvement. They ultimately lead to smoother company operations and ensure business continuity.

Get ready for an AI-powered IT support

The introduction of AI into the workplace is revolutionizing IT support and allowing companies to boost their efficiency and reduce costs. By utilizing AI, companies can improve their IT support processes and provide better solutions to their employees, ultimately becoming a better workplace.

Embrace the future of IT support by exploring and adopting AI-powered solutions that can reshape how your team handles technical issues, streamlines workflows, and enhances overall productivity. If you would like to learn more about AI and IT support, we can have an initial discussion and clarify how we can help optimize your IT support operations.