May 23, 2023

Answering employee questions on Slack thanks to our ChatGPT-integrated chatbot for employees

Instant support with our ChatGPT-powered chatbot for employees

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In the last few years, your IT work has certainly gone crazy because of different locations, time zones, remote work, multiple projects that seem to always be urgent... Your company most probably implemented an ITSM platform (if one was not deployed before) to help your team better manage the ever-increasing employee requests.

However, your team’s average ticket resolution time has gone up (to 9.72 hours on average, +57% when compared to pre-pandemic) and help desk ticket costs are soaring ($26.51, +30% when compared to pre-pandemic). It's time to start considering a chatbot for employees!

Gaspar AI, your favorite AI partner!

Thankfully, the introduction of Gaspar AI’s cutting-edge platform into your workplace can offer some light at the end of the IT tunnel! It greatly empowers your IT and help desk team to be more efficient and offers positive and effortless support experiences to employees.

Gaspar AI enables end users to auto-resolve 40% of their issues on Slack and Microsoft Teams in seconds, without needing your team’s intervention, thanks to our Generative AI chatbot for employees. No more spending hours to reset passwords over and over again! Now Gaspar, our AI Virtual Agent automatically resets them without your team’s involvement. At the same time, your IT and help desk team can automate repetitive processes such as employee onboarding and offboarding thanks to Gaspar AI’s workflow automation. And what’s best is that everything is in one platform which integrates seamlessly with your company’s apps, and is deployed in 30 minutes with no manual work from your side!

Thanks to Gaspar AI, your IT and help desk team can decrease their manual work by 80% and make better decisions thanks to AI-based insights. This results in higher job satisfaction, increased employee and help desk teams’ productivity, and improved profitability.

ChatGPT, the game-changing innovation

At the end of 2022, some magic happened: the software industry was shaken up by the super-fast, amazing AI advancements! The introduction of ChatGPT and its vast adoption was a game-changer. As we have been working with AI since the very first start of Gaspar AI, way before AI became mainstream, integrating with ChatGPT was non-negotiable.

IT people are at the heart of everything we do, and our goal is to make their work life easier and more enjoyable. So if we could further improve our AI offering and provide even better support, why not do it?

But first, what is ChatGPT?

Well, you probably already use ChatGPT for various tasks at work, and you certainly feel what a time-saver it is! But just in case you are not so familiar with it, ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. It is designed to understand and generate human-like responses to text-based prompts, such as questions or statements.

ChatGPT is trained on vast amounts of text data from the internet, which allows it to generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses to a wide range of topics. The model uses advanced natural language processing techniques to analyze the input prompt, understand its meaning, and generate a response that is grammatically correct and semantically relevant.

Gaspar AI and ChatGPT: a match made in chatbots for employees heaven!

When an employee has an issue, they go on Slack or MS Teams and ask Gaspar, our conversational AI chatbot, about it. Gaspar will immediately resolve it, and a ticket will be automatically opened and synced with your ITSM platform.

Oftentimes Gaspar will deflect a ticket with a knowledge base article, e.g. when an employee asks how to connect to a VPN. In this case Gaspar will provide the related knowledge base articles and the employee can go through them and find what they are looking for.

Although incredibly helpful, this can be further optimized! With our ChatGPT integration, instead of receiving articles, the user receives a direct answer in a human-like way. They no more have to go through the knowledge article: they have the answer right in front of them, even faster than before!

And the best part is that it is not a generic answer, but a personalized answer! One of the caveats about using bots like ChatGPT for information retrieval is that it searches for answers through public sources on the internet, which isn’t always reliable. Since Gaspar AI integrates with multiple knowledge management systems (e.g. Helpjuice, Confluence, etc.), our ChatGPT-integrated chatbot will form the answer from your company’s knowledge base, content repositories and internal sources – therefore it will be more credible. It will also provide the link to the article where the answer comes from in case the user wants to learn more.

The real power of Gaspar AI and ChatGPT integration is taking information from within your company, your specific data and knowledge articles, and making it immediately available in a human-like way to your employees.

Moreover, we won't share your company's data with OpenAI to train or improve their models, so you can rest assured that your privacy is protected.

The advantages of Gaspar AI and ChatGPT integration

Using Gaspar AI has many benefits for the employees, your helpdesk team and your company. It significantly reduces the time needed for your IT team to resolve issues, which in turn increases their efficiency, decreases costs and enhances employee productivity and satisfaction. And this results in better company profitability and higher employee retention, as IT teams and employees alike are more productive and happier.

With the ChatGPT integration, you can further enhance these benefits:

1. Increased time savings

Now employees don’t even have to spend a few minutes reading through the knowledge base article to find what they are looking for. They have their answer instantly, without having to leave the chat platform, and can immediately get back to work, minimizing the impact of IT issues on their productivity.

2. Enhanced employee support quality

ChatGPT's ability to understand context and generate human-like responses ensures that employees receive accurate and relevant information to their queries. The answers are focused exactly on what the employee is asking, leading to a higher quality of support. Moreover, they are extremely reliable and credible as they are not drawn from the web but from your internal sources.

3. Improved user experience

Oftentimes reading through knowledge base articles can be daunting, especially when employees don’t have time to do so, and they don’t know the terminology. Having the answer served right in front of them in a language they understand is an amazing user experience, which ultimately boosts employee satisfaction with IT support and their trust in your IT department.

Glimpsing into what lies ahead for Gaspar AI's chatbot for employees

Undoubtedly, Gaspar AI’s integration with ChatGPT will once more revolutionize employee IT support within Slack and Microsoft Teams. And this is just the beginning! Our plan is to further extend this integration to more of Gaspar AI’s features, such as the Proactive Insights and intent recognition.

Stay tuned, the best is yet to come!

If you want to see Gaspar AI in action, please contact us or schedule a demo .