Aug 1, 2023

Traditional service desk and AI chatbot

Why employees don't use the traditional service desk

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In today's fast-paced corporate world, where efficiency is the name of the game, employees expect seamless and prompt solutions to their workplace challenges. However, the traditional service desk, once hailed as the bastion of problem-solving, seems to be falling out of favor with modern workforces. Instead, a revolutionary alternative has emerged - Artificial Intelligence (AI) service desks.

In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons why employees are turning away from conventional service desks and embracing AI-powered alternatives that promise to revolutionize the way we handle workplace support.

The inefficiency of traditional service desks

While traditional service desks have been the norm for decades, employees are reluctant to use them. Ever wondered why?

Slow response and resolution times

Time is of the essence, and employees know it better than anyone. The conventional service desk often leaves them hanging on the line, trapped in long waiting queues, drowning in a sea of emails or dealing with redundant ticketing systems. This archaic approach not only causes frustration but also disrupts productivity. To emphasize this, since the pandemic, the Mean Time to Resolution has further increased from 6.18 to 9.72 hours! These lengthy wait times for issue resolution, along with the lack of proactive communication and updates lead to such low use of the traditional service desk.

Limited accessibility and availability

Modern business knows no bounds, and time zones are rendered obsolete. However, traditional service desks are constrained by operating hours and limited availability. In a globalized work environment, employees need support at any time, be it late at night or during holidays. Work doesn't always adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule: traditional service desks might not be equipped to provide round-the-clock support, leaving remote or distributed teams stranded during critical situations.

Lack of user-friendly interface

The complexity of traditional service desk systems poses a significant challenge for employees trying to navigate through convoluted menus and interfaces. This complexity leads to a steep learning curve for new users, who must invest considerable time and effort to grasp the system's functionalities. Moreover, the frustration caused by difficult navigation and complex workflows further exacerbates the problem, making employees reluctant to engage with the service desk

Impersonal and Inefficient Communication

Traditional service desks often struggle with personalizing interactions. Employees may have to repeat information multiple times, leading to frustration and poor user experience. Moreover, without access to the context of previous interactions, service desk agents may struggle to understand the full scope of the issue, leading to longer resolution times, or repetitive steps: imagine having to explain the same issue to different service desk agents repeatedly. The monotony of providing account information or recounting the problem from scratch is a major turn-off for employees seeking support.

Inadequate self-service options also pose an issue that leads to low use: traditional service desks tend to operate in a top-down approach, with employees being passive recipients of assistance. In the age of instant gratification though, employees are increasingly self-reliant and prefer finding solutions independently. With the internet at their fingertips, they can quickly search for knowledge bases, FAQs, and online communities to troubleshoot their problems without having to wait for assistance. Traditional service desks can feel redundant when employees can find answers with a simple Google search.

Ineffective knowledge management

Traditional service desk systems often struggle to efficiently capture, organize, and update the vast amount of information required for resolving various issues. As a consequence, employees frequently encounter outdated or irrelevant solutions, leading to frustration and wasted time. The lack of a robust knowledge base also hampers self-service capabilities, as employees may not find the information they need to troubleshoot problems independently.

The AI alternative: welcome the intelligent Virtual Agents

Enter the world of AI-powered intelligent virtual agents (IVAs). These smart and intuitive systems are reshaping the way employees seek assistance and support. Here's how they address the limitations of traditional service desks described above:

Instant access and faster response times

IVAs provide real-time support, ensuring that employees receive assistance precisely when they need it. With AI's lightning-fast capabilities, IVAs can analyze queries instantly and offer relevant solutions without delays. Employees can now receive immediate responses and resolution to their queries, thereby boosting efficiency and morale.

Beyond boundaries - 24/7 availability

IVAs can operate tirelessly, providing support around the clock. Employees, no matter their location or time zone, can rely on IVAs for immediate assistance whenever they require it, significantly reducing downtime and optimizing productivity.

Empowering self-service capabilities

AI chatbots excel at promoting self-service by integrating with knowledge bases and learning from past interactions. This means employees can access information quickly and independently, boosting their productivity and confidence. By offering a plethora of self-service options, such as knowledge bases and AI-driven FAQs, employees can take charge of their problems, fostering a sense of autonomy and pride in resolving issues on their own terms.

Enhanced personalization and contextual understanding

AI-powered IVAs leverage natural language processing and machine learning to understand employees' queries contextually. This enables them to deliver personalized responses and draw upon previous interactions, making the support experience seamless. And regarding repetition, AI alternatives employ sophisticated algorithms that store and analyze historical data, ensuring that employees are spared the tedium of repeating themselves. This not only saves time but also enhances the overall experience, making employees feel valued and understood.

Intelligent knowledge management

AI-powered alternatives leverage advanced natural language processing and machine learning to quickly access and learn from a comprehensive knowledge repository. This ensures that up-to-date and accurate information is readily available to employees, boosting their confidence in the support system. Moreover, they can help in optimizing and keeping the knowledge base updated by offering data on the questions employees ask, defining the most critical ones.

The future lies in AI-powered intelligent Virtual Agents

The writing is on the wall - traditional service desks are losing their luster, and the future of workplace support lies in the realm of AI-powered alternatives. The reasons for this paradigm shift are evident: the need for immediate responses and effective knowledge management, the burden of repetition, the desire for self-reliance, and the allure of 24/7 availability. Employees demand faster, personalized, and always-available support. The adoption of AI is not just a trend; it's a transformative step towards empowering both employees and businesses alike.

AI service desks epitomize efficiency, convenience, and empowerment, setting the stage for a more productive and contented workforce. As the world hurtles towards a digital frontier, embracing these intelligent innovations is not only a choice but a necessity. So, the question is: are you ready to join the AI revolution and redefine the way we support our employees?

If you are, let’s schedule a demo to discuss how your company can benefit from Gaspar AI’s cutting-edge AI platform. The future is here, and it’s intelligent!