Jun 13, 2023

An employee requests time off on Slack thanks to Gaspar AI's HR helpdesk

Unlock HR helpdesk efficiencies with Gaspar AI and HiBob

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We're thrilled to announce that Gaspar AI is now seamlessly integrated with HiBob! You can now enhance your HR helpdesk with AI capabilities and automate boring, repetitive tasks.

Say goodbye to the hassles of manual onboarding processes and time-consuming time-off requests, and hello to streamlined efficiency! By integrating Gaspar AI with HiBob, your HR team will reduce their manual work and free up time to focus on making an impact on employees’ work life.

So what’s in it for you?

Enhanced collaboration between IT and HR helpdesks

With Gaspar AI’s no-code automation templates your IT team can build onboarding workflows and automate the account creation process for new hires. These can then be integrated with HiBob. Once they deploy the workflows, the new account will be automatically added on both your SSO service and your HiBob app.

No need for your IT team to manually inform the HR department, and for the HR team to manually create the account on HiBob as well. By automatically syncing with HiBob, Gaspar AI eliminates the need for manual data entry, while reducing the risk of errors or data inaccuracy. This synchronization removes data inconsistencies and reduces administrative overhead by avoiding duplicate work. No more information lost in translation: say goodbye to silos and hello to seamless information exchange!

Accelerated onboarding

IT and HR teams save valuable time and resources by eliminating the above-mentioned manual tasks and duplicate work. They can now focus on what truly matters - fostering a positive employee experience and ensuring their productivity from day one. With a few clicks, HR managers can initiate the onboarding process, ensuring a smooth transition for new employees and eliminating delays.

Hassle-free time-off requests on Slack and MS Teams

Requesting time off shouldn't be a hassle, and that's why we've come together with HiBob to simplify the process and make it as smooth as a summer breeze! Whether you're planning a well-deserved vacation, attending an important family event, or simply need a day to recharge, you can now effortlessly submit your request in just a few clicks on Slack’s (or MS Teams) intuitive interface. No more switching apps or manual approvals: the whole process happens right where your IT and HR teams, managers and employees are!

Once the employee asks for time off on Slack or MS Teams, Gaspar - our Virtual Agent - prompts them to fill in a form with the requested details. Their manager will receive the request on Slack (or MS Teams) and can either approve or deny it, without the need to log into separate HR systems. The employee will be notified on Slack (or MS Teams) as well.

Your HR team also has multiple reasons to be happy: the integration ensures that approved time off syncs seamlessly with HiBob's leave management module, providing accurate records for attendance tracking and payroll. From automating leave balance calculations to ensuring compliance with company HR policies, our integrated solution saves valuable time and minimizes administrative burdens.

Transform your HR helpdesk with AI capabilities

By leveraging this integration, you will enhance employee engagement and transform your HR operations. Your company can save time from repetitive and duplicate processes, reduce manual effort, and improve accuracy in managing employee data. Let our Generative AI HR helpdesk tackle routine tasks, while your team empowers your people to thrive. You can try it now or contact us for a demo to see it live.