Jul 18, 2023

Tips to consider and questions to ask when doing a demo for a Conversational AI platform

5+1 expert tips to master your next Conversational AI platform demo

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Since the launch of ChatGPT, Conversational AI platforms have become increasingly popular for businesses looking to boost IT support, enhance employee interactions and streamline operations. These platforms leverage artificial intelligence and natural language processing to enable more dynamic and personalized conversations. More importantly, they can reduce manual and repetitive work, increase productivity and save your company tons of money, while increasing your employees’ satisfaction.

If you're evaluating different Conversational AI platforms for your company, asking the right questions during a demo is crucial to make an informed decision. This is why in this blog post we will outline the six essential tips and questions to ask during your next demo.

1. How does your platform handle Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and how are you using Large Language Models (LLMs)?

Effective natural language understanding is a fundamental aspect of Conversational AI platforms. Ask the demo presenter to explain how their platform processes and understands user queries. Inquire about the algorithms and techniques employed to extract meaning and context from conversational data. Understanding the NLU capabilities will help you evaluate the platform's accuracy, ability to handle complex queries, and adaptability to different languages and dialects.

Moreover, when using conversational AI within your company, you will need a deep understanding of industry-specific language and terminology. Vendors may face challenges in developing this capability independently due to limited access to relevant data. Similarly, vendors who rely solely on pre-existing language models may struggle to effectively address business-related inquiries. The true extent of their understanding can be quickly revealed through a demo. You can also get a very good idea about how often they update and retire their LLMs. Given that this space is moving at a lightning-fast pace it is crucial for the vendor to be up to date.

2. Can you showcase real-time integration with backend systems?

Integration with backend systems is crucial for providing comprehensive and accurate responses to user queries. During the demo, inquire about the platform's ability to integrate with your existing systems, such as CRMs, apps you use or knowledge bases. Ask for specific examples of real-time data retrieval and seamless integration to ensure that the Conversational AI platform can access and leverage the relevant information your company possesses.

3. How does your platform handle Dialog Management?

Dialog management is essential for maintaining context and guiding dynamic conversations. Ask the presenter to explain how their platform handles dialog flows, context switching, and multi-turn interactions. Inquire about the flexibility of the dialog management system, the ability to handle complex conversations, and customization options. Understanding the dialog management capabilities will help you determine if the platform can deliver engaging and coherent conversational experiences to your users.

4. What security measures are in place to protect our data?

In light of the increasing occurrence of data breaches and cyber-attacks, it is of utmost importance to prioritize your data security. It is crucial to ascertain that the vendor has established a well-defined and comprehensive security plan, encompassing essential measures like data encryption, access control, and routine security audits.

Furthermore, inquire about the vendor's compliance certifications and adherence to industry regulations, such as HIPAA. This ensures that they are meeting the necessary standards for data protection. By posing these inquiries, you can acquire a deeper understanding of the security protocols implemented by the vendor, empowering you to make an informed decision regarding the safety and protection of your valuable data.

5. Can I get a demo with my company’s data?

It is common for vendors to conduct demos using their own data, which may not accurately reflect the platform's performance when applied to your unique data and needs. Although these demos can be impressive, it is crucial to test the system using your own data to evaluate its suitability. This approach provides valuable insights into the system’s performance and its ability to address your specific use cases. You gain a clearer understanding of its capabilities and can make a more informed decision regarding its suitability for your company’s needs. It allows you to identify any potential issues or limitations before committing to a purchase, ultimately saving you time and resources in the long run.

6. How does your platform support Analytics and Insights?

Analytics and insights provide valuable data for improving your Conversational AI solution’s performance. Ask the presenter to explain the analytics capabilities of their platform. Inquire about the types of metrics and insights available, such as % of tickets deflected, actions automated, conversation success rates, user satisfaction, or Mean Time to Resolve. Understanding these features will help you evaluate the platform's ability to track and measure Key Performance Indicators and continuously optimize your conversational experiences.

Regarding Conversational AI platforms, a demo is worth a thousand slides

As you explore different Conversational AI platforms, asking the right questions during a demo is vital to make an informed decision. By asking about natural language understanding and LLMs, integration with your systems, dialog management, data security processes, personalization to your data, and analytics capabilities, you'll gain valuable insights into the platform's potential to meet your company’s unique requirements. Take advantage of demos to assess how each platform aligns with your goals and objectives, ultimately choosing the best Conversational AI platform to revolutionize your internal employee support interactions and boost productivity and satisfaction.