Oct 9, 2023

AI-powered HR help desk to reduce employee turnover and increase employee engagement

Reducing employee turnover with Gaspar AI's HR helpdesk

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Employee turnover can be a persistent and costly challenge for businesses. It's not just a matter of finding the right talent; it's also about retaining and nurturing that talent. High turnover rates can be detrimental to a company's growth, productivity, and bottom line. It not only disrupts workflows but also drains valuable resources in terms of recruitment, onboarding, and training.

HR helpdesks represent a groundbreaking approach for leading organizations to combat employee turnover and safeguard both workforce efficiency and the company's well-being.

In fact, HR helpdesks play a pivotal role in mitigating employee turnover through their ability to deliver effective assistance and address employee concerns.

Let's explore further how HR helpdesk chatbots can emerge as a vital support system for both your company and your valuable employees, and how they can play a pivotal role in reducing employee turnover and improving overall workplace satisfaction.

Understanding the employee turnover challenge

Before diving into the solutions, let's first understand the depth of the problem.

Employee turnover, often referred to as staff turnover or employee attrition, is the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by new hires. It's a crucial metric that companies use to assess the stability and health of their workforce. Employee turnover can be classified into two categories:

  • Voluntary turnover: This occurs when employees choose to leave the company of their own accord.

  • Involuntary turnover: Involuntary turnover happens when employees are terminated or laid off by the company. This can be due to factors such as performance issues, company restructuring, or budget constraints.

Factors that lead to employee voluntary turnover include:

  • Job dissatisfaction: Employees who are dissatisfied with their job roles, work environment, or company culture are more likely to leave.
  • Lack of career growth: When employees perceive limited opportunities for career advancement within an organization, they may seek opportunities elsewhere.
  • Compensation: Inadequate or uncompetitive compensation packages can be a significant factor in voluntary turnover.
  • Work-life balance: Employees value a healthy work-life balance. Excessive work hours or unreasonable expectations can lead to turnover.
  • Lack of support and poor leadership: Ineffective or unsupportive management can drive employees away. People often leave managers, not companies.
  • Company culture: A toxic or unappealing company culture can lead to voluntary turnover as employees seek a more positive workplace environment.
  • Job fit: Employees may leave if they feel their skills and talents are not being utilized effectively in their current roles.
  • Burnout: Heavy workloads, ongoing stress, and burnout can cause employees to seek less demanding positions elsewhere.

The impact of turnover

The average voluntary turnover rate in the United States across all industries is approximately 12% per year. However, this can vary significantly by industry and region. Let’s take a deeper look into the impact of employee turnover on companies.

  • Financial costs: High employee turnover rates can take a significant toll on a company's finances. On average, it costs between 30% to 50% of an entry-level employee's annual salary to replace them and up to 400% for specialized roles. These expenses include not only recruitment and hiring but also lost productivity and knowledge transfer.
  • Decreased morale: High turnover can also have a detrimental effect on company culture and employee morale. As experienced employees leave, those who remain must pick up the slack, potentially leading to increased workloads and stress. Remaining employees may feel overworked and uncertain about their future within the company. This negative atmosphere can further exacerbate the turnover problem.
  • Reduced engagement: Employees who witness a revolving door of coworkers are less likely to invest emotionally in their work or the organization. This reduced engagement can lead to decreased productivity and creativity.
  • Knowledge drain and erosion: With each departing employee, the company loses valuable institutional knowledge. This includes industry-specific insights, company history, processes, and best practices that are not always documented. Loss of institutional knowledge can result in operational inefficiencies as new employees struggle to fill the knowledge gap. This can lead to mistakes, rework, and a decline in overall productivity.
  • Disruption to team dynamics: Frequent turnover disrupts the stability of teams. Team members must continually adjust to new coworkers, which can hinder their ability to build strong working relationships and collaborate effectively. Moreover, high turnover can erode trust as team members may become skeptical about the commitment and reliability of their colleagues. And constant changes in team composition can lead to project delays and reduced project quality as team members need time to adapt to each other's working styles and preferences.
  • Cultural impact: Frequent changes can lead to a lack of cohesion and shared values among company employees.

In summary, the impact of employee turnover extends beyond the departure of individual employees. It affects employee engagement and productivity, erodes institutional knowledge, and disrupts team dynamics. To mitigate these effects, companies should focus on retention strategies, knowledge management, and creating a positive workplace culture that encourages long-term employee commitment.

Demystifying AI-powered helpdesk solutions

So how exactly HR helpdesk solutions fit in the above picture and help address these challenges?

Traditional helpdesk systems, though well-intentioned, often struggle to provide timely and accurate support. Employees may encounter long response times, impersonal interactions, and difficulty in finding relevant information. These frustrations can erode job satisfaction and contribute to turnover.

An AI-powered HR helpdesk solution on the other hand is a technology-driven platform that facilitates the management and resolution of various human resources-related inquiries, issues, and requests within a company. It is designed to streamline HR operations, enhance employee experience, and ensure compliance with company policies and regulations.

Key features and functions of an HR helpdesk solution typically include:

  • Workflow automation: HR processes, such as onboarding, offboarding, and performance reviews, can be automated within the platform, reducing manual administrative tasks.
  • Instant auto-resolution and communication: The solution often includes communication tools, such as chatbots, to provide real-time responses to common HR queries such as benefits, payroll, leave, policies, and more.
  • Self-Service portal: Employees can use the self-service portal to update personal information, request time off, view pay stubs, and access other HR-related services without HR intervention.
  • Knowledge base: An HR knowledge base is often integrated into the solution, offering a repository of frequently asked questions (FAQs), HR policies, and resources that employees can access independently.
  • Ticketing system: The solution assigns unique tickets to each HR request, allowing for efficient tracking, prioritization, and resolution of inquiries.
  • Analytics and reporting: HR professionals can generate reports and analyze data to identify trends, track ticket resolution times, and assess the performance of HR processes.
  • Integration: Integration capabilities with other HR systems (e.g., payroll software, time and attendance systems) and collaboration tools (e.g., email, messaging platforms) ensure data consistency and accessibility.

The role of AI-Powered helpdesk solutions in employee retention

The implementation of AI-powered helpdesk solutions can yield a wide range of benefits that ultimately lead to reduced employee turnover. By automating routine tasks, offering immediate answers to HR inquiries and providing insights into HR support needs and areas of improvement, they offer effortless support, save time for the HR teams and enhance the employee HR experience.

Let’s see how they can help to increase employee engagement and better manage turnover.

  • Elevating employee experience through automated support: HR helpdesks offer efficient and user-friendly support, including chatbots and ticketing tools, allowing employees to solve their issues instantly, without the need to wait for hours while being unproductive. This reduces frustrations that derive from not being able to get the support they need, enhancing their satisfaction and loyalty while reducing turnover risk.

  • Streamlining HR tasks with AI-powered automation: AI-driven HR helpdesks automate repetitive HR processes, from offboarding to administrative tasks, reducing HR workload and errors, saving time, and allowing focus on important projects.

  • Boosting collaboration with integrated HR helpdesks: HR helpdesks that are integrated with collaboration tools, such as Slack and Teams, enhance communication among employees, HR and other stakeholders, improving HR process’ coordination and effectiveness, especially in managing employee turnover.

  • Empowering employees with self-service HR tools: HR helpdesks offer self-service options, including AI-powered chatbots, for instant answers. They thus reduce HR's routine workload and enable employees to have immediate assistance, making both parties more productive.

  • Enhancing employee onboarding experience: HR helpdesks improve the onboarding process with access to relevant information and resources, fostering new employee engagement and reducing turnover.

  • Fostering HR knowledge sharing: HR helpdesks facilitate knowledge sharing among HR support agents, HR teams and employees. They serve as knowledge repositories, enabling employees to easily find information they need while capturing turnover insights and trends to help HR departments address turnover challenges effectively.

Improved satisfaction with Gaspar AI’s quick and accurate support

Gaspar AI, a revolutionary AI-driven HR helpdesk platform, seamlessly integrates with Slack, Microsoft Teams and Jira Service Management , ushering in immediate employee support to mitigate corporate hurdles and elevate the employee journey.

Our platform presents a holistic HR helpdesk solution enriched with distinctive features, including an intelligent chatbot, simplified employee onboarding, workflow automations, HR expert connectivity, self-service functionality, and the capacity to reduce HR support tickets. With Gaspar AI, HR operations are streamlined, and employees no longer need to wait hours or days for answers to their queries. They can access information swiftly, leading to increased job satisfaction and a sense of empowerment.

Let’s see Gaspar AI’s unique features:

  • ChatGPT-powered HR chatbot for instant and personalized support: our ChatGPT-integrated chatbot stands ready to deliver immediate and personalized employee assistance. It automatically solves HR-related issues, such as time-off requests, and answers questions with information from the knowledge base, all within Slack, Microsoft Teams and Jira Service Management support portal. Our chatbot crafts human-like responses, and thanks to advanced dialog management capabilities, employees can enjoy interactive conversations and ask clarifying questions until they get exactly what they need. They now independently address common HR requests, thereby diminishing the dependence on HR support and bolstering overall productivity. Employees can promptly and autonomously find answers to their HR-related queries, allowing HR teams to save valuable time as well.
  • Effortless employee onboarding: Gaspar AI offers workflow automation to simplify the onboarding process for new hires, automating account creation, user provisioning, and introducing an AI knowledge companion to address their inquiries. This ensures that new employees become productive and experience support from their very first day.
  • Automated ticketing: In case an issue can’t be automatically resolved, Gaspar AI simplifies HR helpdesk ticket creation. The user fills in a simple form on Slack or MS Teams (depending where they are) and ensures intelligent routing to the appropriate HR teams. The process is tracked and can be reviewed on the chat platforms. This optimizes HR case management and ensures the efficient handling of HR inquiries.
  • Reducing HR support ticket volume by 40%: Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and multiple integrations with commonly used apps and HR systems, Gaspar AI offers more than 100 automations to autonomously resolve common HR issues, effectively reducing the overall volume of HR support tickets. This empowers HR teams to focus on more complex and strategic tasks.

Elevate employee experience, reduce turnover

Adopting an AI-powered helpdesk solution offers a comprehensive approach to reducing employee turnover. By improving the employee support experience, boosting their satisfaction and enhancing productivity, it becomes a valuable asset in creating a thriving workplace. Investing in such a solution not only benefits employees but also strengthens your company’s overall stability and success.

We encourage you to proactively address employee turnover by exploring Gaspar AI's platform. Request a demo today to witness the transformation it can bring to your workplace. Don't let high turnover rates hold your business back; invest in a solution that empowers your workforce and sets your company on a path to success.