What makes Gaspar AI's employee helpdesk better than the competition?
This is probably one of the top questions on your mind when evaluating Gaspar AI among different solutions for your employee helpdesk and IT support automation needs. It’s a fair question but a tough one to answer because there are just so many things to compare.
So instead of presenting you with one of those classic “us” vs. “them” comparison tables, we decided to do something unconventional and showcase some of Gaspar AI’s unique features and functionalities.
1. Virtual Agent on Slack, MS Teams AND Jira
With Gaspar AI, your Virtual Agent has an omnichannel presence to make your team’s and end users’ life easier. Your company’s employees have more opportunities to interact with Gaspar, our AI chatbot, wherever they find more convenient: Slack, MS Teams or Jira Service Management portal. They can automatically and instantly resolve their employee helpdesk requests on any of these platforms, without you or your team being involved.
Moreover, when employees need to join email lists, groups or channels, access folders, calendars or new applications, they simply ask Gaspar on the platform they are on (Slack, MS Teams, Jira). The approval process takes place on the same platform for both the requester and the approver. The approver can simply accept or decline the request on any of these platforms, and Gaspar will notify the requester accordingly. All the information is available right there (but also automatically syncs with the ITSM platform you use) and users can track it anytime.
Gaspar AI is the only platform that offers an AI chatbot for Atlassian’s Jira Service Management portal and has built all the backend capabilities to provide seamless, automated support. Moreover, with Gaspar AI on Jira SM, your end users can immediately find any information they look for in Confluence articles.
2. Auto-reset passwords with no manual involvement
We have all been there: forgetting our password for the 100th time and having to go through the painful reset process once more! And what’s worse, your team must spend more than 30% of their time doing it.
With Gaspar AI, every time an employee asks for a password reset, the Virtual Agent will automatically verify their identity thanks to multiple integrations and instantly reset their password. Rather than deflecting a ticket via a solution article, guiding the end user through a manual reset, or sending email links to reset it, it will immediately provide a temporary password for the user to log back in and change it.
Thanks to Gaspar AI password resets now take only 10 seconds!
3. Workflows included in the employee helpdesk platform
Gaspar AI offers workflows along with the AI chatbot to not just automate processes but fulfill them automatically when needed without human involvement. For example, your team can set up workflows to simplify onboarding without any coding skills.
On the Admin Hub, they can create accounts and add them to the company’s SSO service, add the applications needed depending on their department, grant access to folders on shared drives, and automatically share the account details with HR systems.
When a new hire joins the company, the workflows will automatically run directly on Slack, the Admin portal or Jira Service Management – the choice is yours!
4. Choose your unique self-service levels
You like receiving significantly fewer tickets but you may feel uncomfortable with allowing end users too much autonomy around certain employee helpdesk issues. No problem!
Gaspar AI is designed to meet each company’s unique requirements and to also enhance privacy and governance. This is why we offer you and your IT admins the possibility to choose which and how many automations you will enable. On the Admin Hub, you can select which features you want to deploy and for which users.
You may also decide to request further approval from your IT team for some issues, e.g. for password resets. This can easily be done on the Admin portal by selecting the relevant configuration.
5. Deploy in 30 minutes
You might be thinking now that a sophisticated AI platform as Gaspar AI will probably require months to be implemented, data to be transferred among applications, knowledge to be shared, complex approvals to be performed.
Nope! You just have to give Gaspar AI access to your SSO and systems, decide which integrations to enable and in 30 minutes to 1 hour you are ready to go! Gaspar AI has been built from the ground up to seamlessly integrate with your applications so that you don’t have to transfer any data or switch between different apps.
It is also platform-agnostic which means that even if you decide to change some of the software you use, it will still work.
That’s obviously not everything…
Gaspar AI has many more unique features that will offer you effortless, AI-powered employee helpdesk support.
If you would like to see it in action, you can contact us or schedule a demo so that we showcase more of the unique things that only Gaspar AI can do.
*Note: These features were selected by comparing Gaspar AI to other similarly priced AI employee helpdesk platforms. It’s quite possible that some of the lesser-known tools have one or more of these features.